Temperament and Sleep Webinar Replay
The replay will be available for purchase until 11/1/23! Learn how to better understand your child needs and what stresses them, in order to connect more deeply and feel more confident in how you support your little one around sleep! In this webinar, I discussed the 3 main temperaments, the 9 different temperament traits and sleep strategies for each one, as well as the connections between temperament and stress and how that impacts a child’s sleep.
The replay will be available for purchase until 11/1/23! Learn how to better understand your child needs and what stresses them, in order to connect more deeply and feel more confident in how you support your little one around sleep! In this webinar, I discussed the 3 main temperaments, the 9 different temperament traits and sleep strategies for each one, as well as the connections between temperament and stress and how that impacts a child’s sleep.
The replay will be available for purchase until 11/1/23! Learn how to better understand your child needs and what stresses them, in order to connect more deeply and feel more confident in how you support your little one around sleep! In this webinar, I discussed the 3 main temperaments, the 9 different temperament traits and sleep strategies for each one, as well as the connections between temperament and stress and how that impacts a child’s sleep.